
I walked in to my room and collapsed on the bed. Gooooood Lord. What in the world was I supposed to do? I've got telepathy. I now have complete proof that I'm a telepath. What does this mean? What do I do with it? How am I supposed to use this to my advantage? So many questions that I am so far from answering. One question that keeps burning in my mind is: If telepathy is possible, what else can I do? Do I want to find out? Please, make the questions stop.

Sorry, Kev.

Gimme a minute here. I need some help. Would you mind?

Not at all.


What's up?

So earlier it was Darc, and then Dr. Melcher. What does that make you?

What do you want me to be?

I want you to be the voice that explains it all.

Oooooh. I'm not sure if I can do that.

Why not? I think I've gone through quite enough already. I think I deserve a little information.


No fuckin maybes here. I need some yes's and some no's.

I think I can manage that.

So I can ask the questions?


Who the fuck are you?

Kevin, negativity doesn't fly here.

Okay, for starters, where is here?

It’s a place for people that don't belong there.

Where's "there"?


Okay, I wanna know what the sign on the mirror was?

Good question.

You don't really know, do you?


You're fuckin useless.

Negativity will get you nowhere.

"Kevbo! How's it goin?" my new roommate had returned, cheery as ever. "What's flyin in your world?"

"I dunno, but its crowded airspace." I rubbed my forehead in exasperation.

"C'mon in to the TV room, they're gonna show a movie before visiting hours start." He started to walk out of the room.

"I never caught your name….," but he was already gone. I stood up to gather my thoughts as lovely nurse Mae stopped by carrying a small bag.

"Kevin, I need to get some vitals from you." She pulled a blood pressure kit out of the bag.

"Might as well, I don't have a hot date to get to or anything." I sat back down on my bed. I hoped she hadn't picked up on my male pig arousal.

"Pull up your sleeve, please," she asked. I did as requested. She wrapped the big blood pressure coil around my arm. "Relax…" She started to take my blood pressure. In a few seconds she opened the air valve.

"Looks fine to me, let's get started with that temperature now…" She pulled a small electronic thermometer out of her pocket and moved it toward my face. Suddenly, her pager went off. She set the device on the bed and checked her pager.

"Uh oh, we'll have to finish this later, Kevin. They need me at the front." And as fast as she had shown up she was gone. I stared after her for a few seconds, fantasizing about what kind of a lover she was. After three years of occasional dalliances with street women, the presence of a woman like Mae gave a man some seriously erotic ideas.

Still thinking of her, I started to get up. As I did, I knocked something on to the floor. It was the thermometer. Wait a minute….as I picked it up, I gave it a closer look.
