

I am relaxed.

No shit you’re relaxed, you’re asleep.

Yes, I am.

You better be. Do you understand how much work we’ve put in to get you here?

No, I have no idea. Get out of my head, I’m supposed to be asleep.

This is the best time to work. Get ready.

Get ready for what?

For the trip.

The trip where?

To hell.

I woke up sweating like a freshman linebacker. I looked all around, but everything was dark. My room seemed normal. I looked at my roommate’s bed and he was sleeping normally. I got out of bed and checked my stuff, including the razor blade, the canteen, and the magnet. Nothing had been disturbed and everything was safe. That dream, it was too much. What had been transpiring in my life was definitely not normal, but what had just happened was downright horrifying. If everything that had been happening was real, then my dream was definitely not what I wanted to hear. How was I going to do this? Why did I have to do this? Do I have to go alone? My parents seemed like they understood this more than me, maybe I should talk to them. I should also check with Darc, he seemed to have more knowledge of this stuff than I did. A trip to hell?

Could be worse.

C’mon now…