
I awoke to the sound of someone beating on my window. The window opened out on to the break area, but it was sealed shut so no one could make any unauthorized trips in or out. I looked to see who was making the noise, but as I turned my head I got a severe headache and had to close my eyes. I grabbed my head and laid back down in bed.

Don’t look.

I laid in bed, waiting for the throbbing to go away.

Why won’t my head stop hurting?

Because you still want to look.

It will go away if I don’t look?

You have to sincerely have no desire to look in order to get rid of the headache.

I laid there for a few minutes, trying to will the headache away. Nothing worked though. As I struggled to get out of bed, I turned toward the door. I stepped toward the door and the headache began to go away. The throbbing went down with every step that I took. As I walked through the door and in to the hallway, it disappeared completely. I shook my head in befuddlement.

Life was just getting too bizarre. The past week of my life had begun to fade in to one long string of surreal moments. Concepts like time and reality were beginning to congeal in to one big scary blur.

I now have absolutely no idea what is real and what is not. What I thought was impossible was now my life. I almost feel like I’m in a movie, or a video game for that matter. I’m on a plight to save my son from unknown forces. I’m meeting people along the way who are helping me, but there are others who are hindering my quest. I’m even collecting objects that are supposed to help me achieve my final goal of returning my son to where he belongs. This adventure is much different than any other game I’ve ever played though. This one contains an extra element: metaphysics.

It seems like everyone around me is a telepath. I’m interacting with the people in this hospital as if I’m on a psychic-hotline. Everyone seems to be able to do it, but the strange thing is that no one will admit it out loud. Its like its some big secret and if anybody lets the cat out of the bag, everyone is fucked. I just don’t get it.

I feel like I am nowhere near the end of the trail. I feel like this ride is something that’s never going to stop. I feel like one of the adventurers from the old show, Land of the Lost. I feel like I’m never going to go home.

You’re not.

Thanks for the encouragement.
