
"Kevin, so good to see you. How are you today?" Thomas asked as I strolled into the TV room. It was right after dinner and movie time was on the schedule. Darc had opted for an early bedtime. I was actually the first one into the room.

"I'm....different." I said, looking straight ahead, hoping he would go away.

"How so?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

That's fine. You don't have to, you know.

"So, what's the movie for tonight?"

"What Dreams May Come."

"Sure that's a good thing to show in a mental hospital?"

We don't really care, so what's the difference.

"Kevin, have you been feeling okay?" Thomas asked, almost sounding sincere.

"Could we just start the movie?"

Yeah, Kev, we can start the fucking movie.

Thomas got up and slid the tape into the machine. A couple of other patients came into the room. I hadn't seen them before. I figured they must have just been admitted today. One was a kid about Darc's age and one was an older woman, she must've been about Adelaide's age.

"Are these all the folks that are going to be here tonight?" I asked Thomas.

"Yeah, Kevin. What, are you lonely or something?" he asked.

"I'm anything but lonely."

"Well then just settle back and enjoy the movie," he said, taking a seat at a nearby couch.

I looked over at the other patients. They were each dressed in the same daytime pajama outfit that practically every patient in this place wore. None of them even glanced at me. I began to wonder.

What would happen if I tried to communicate with someone who didn't know what was going on? So far, I was pretty sure that everybody that I'd spoken with had complete knowledge of their situation. Even the hillbilly from the roof seemed to have somewhat of an idea. I was so tempted. I absolutely had to try.

Temptation will get you nowhere, Kev.

Who the fuck are you?

Neither will profanity.

Does it REALLY matter? I'm in HELL!

What makes you think you're in hell?

Somebody told me so.

Why did you believe them?

My mind began to swirl. Why DID I believe her? What kind of proof was there for what Adelaide said? Sure, things got a little cloudy right after she said that, but I'm a mental patient for goodness sake. I'm in here because I'm a danger to myself, and others. Yeah, it was possible, heck, anything is possible, but what real proof do I have that what she said is correct.

I guess I don't know what I believe.

Good boy.

Would you please just tell me who you are?

Of course, my boy. I'm the devil. Glad to have made your acquaintance.