
Of course, I should’ve seen that one coming. The devil, yes, of course! He IS the main citizen, probably the MAYOR of hell. No wonder he’s showing up now. I guess every time a new entrant walks through the doors, they get an official greeting.


I don’t want to talk to you.

Why not, Kevin?

Who would?

You’d be surprised.

I stared at the TV, watching Robin Williams travel through the area I was now inhabiting.

Isn’t it all over if I’m down here? There’s no way out, right?

Come on, Kevin. You’re a bright boy. You can figure it out. You can beat me, can’t you?

You’re the devil. No one can beat you. Well, no one except Jesus, I guess.


I looked around the room, the majority of the folks were now snoozing. Even Thomas, sitting in a chair at the corner of the room, seemed to be on his way to dreamland. As Robin started convincing his wife that she could escape the clutches of her own insanity, I felt a touch on my shoulder. I turned my head and looked around. There was no one there. I looked back at the screen. Robin and his family were rejoicing in their newfound happiness. They had finally found each other. I wish finding Christian was that easy.

It is, my boy.

I would have to disagree.


It can’t be that easy.

Why not?

I’m assuming that going from one part of hell to another is not a piece of cake.

It's easier than you think. 

Well, you’re definitely not going to tell me how to do it.

That would be TOO easy.

Of course.

You can figure it out, Kevin. You can do it.

There was something different about that message. There was a distinct uniqueness to it. It was truly coming from a different source. I looked around the room, hoping to pin it down, hoping to find out where it had come from. No luck, just a bunch of medicated depressed people and an overweight attendant that probably STILL wanted to kick my ass. It was definitely time for bed. I’d had enough of this.

I got up to walk back to my room. As I started moving toward the door, I heard the VCR turn off, then the TV. I turned around. Everyone was still asleep. Well, if I’m in hell, I guess that kind of stuff is normal. I guess things can turn off and on as much as they want. I guess there’s nothing keeping the devil from switching things off and on as much as he wants.

“Kevin. Where you going, son?” Thomas said. I peered through the darkness. He was crouching near the base of the TV stand. HE had been the one that had turned everything off, I just hadn’t seen him at first.

“I’m just getting tired. I figured I’d beat the rush and head to bed now.”

“Good idea. You sleep well, okay?”

“I’ll try.”

You’ll fail.

Like it matters anymore.