
I opened up my eyes, lifted my head, and looked around. All I could see was darkness. My eyelids fluttered as a shooting pain went sailing through my head. Damn, what was going on? My doctor had just kicked my ass and it was slowly becoming apparent that I had somehow bought myself another trip to the Quiet Room. This time, it looked as if I wasn’t going to get the privilege of unrestricted movement, either. My wrists and ankles were tied firmly in place and I wondered whether or not they would be free any time soon.

Man, what the heck was going on? Dr. Mesher just unloaded on me. He not only put me to sleep, but beat my ass in the process. Things were not looking good. He was one of the folks that I considered to be on MY team. He wasn’t supposed to do something like this. What in the world would I do now? How would I get out of this one? My doctor was against me now, and that only spelled serious trouble.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Mae.

“Hey Kevin, how are we doing?” Her tone was polite, as usual, but now I trusted no one. Her cheery attitude was only creating more suspicion in my mind.

“I’m not doing too bad, for a guy that’s strapped to a bed in a mental facility.”

“Oh, Kevin, why’d you have to do this to yourself again?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Kevin, you know you can’t attack anyone. Its only going to cause more problems for you. Any more of this behavior and you’ll find yourself in a much nastier place than this.” She began to take my blood pressure. I eyed the crucifix hanging around her neck.

Where’s your god now?

Right here.

At that moment a white light appeared above me. It shined down on me in a blazing fashion. All of my fear felt like it was falling away, all of my worries were gone. At that moment, I was at peace. There was nothing else in the world except me and the light above me.

Who are you?


Then, right in front of my eyes, the light began to fade away until I was staring at nothing more than a white ceiling. I was staring at the ceiling as Mae unwrapped the blood pressure equipment.

“Well, your vitals are fine. I think you’re going to live to see another day, Kevin.” She stood up and began to walk towards the door.

“When are you guys going to let me out of here, Mae?”

“As always, that depends on you, Kevin. Of course, Dr. Mesher will have some say in it as well.” She smiled. Was it sincere? I honestly couldn’t tell.

“I’ll behave,” I said, wishing I had other options. Right about now I was feeling pretty bleak. If my salvation lays in the hands of Mesher, God only knows when I’ll be out of here.

You know where your salvation lies.

Suddenly, the intense drowsiness I’d experienced earlier overwhelmed me again and I fell into another drug-induced unconscious state.