
The ambulance had actually stopped near Amy’s neighborhood, so I began walking toward her house. I got some strange looks from some people, but I didn’t really care. I had way too many serious, serious problems to care about a few stares.

As I rounded the corner toward her house, a thought popped into my head. Right now, right here, I needed to figure out what was real and what wasn’t. I can’t go into Amy’s house without being able to tell the difference between reality and fiction. For the past….I don’t know how long…the line between truth and illusion had been massively altered and I truly could not tell what was going on.

Ya need to figure it out quickly, Kev.

Are you going to help me?


I walked up to Amy’s house and knocked on the door. No one answered. I tried the knob, but the door was locked. What would Darc do in a situation like this? I tried the knob again and it clicked open.

I walked into the house, but all I could see was darkness. Where walls should have been, where light should have been shining through windows, all that could be seen was an opaque abyss of impenetrable black. So I stepped inside.

“I came for Christian.”

You came for no one except yourself.

Who are you?

I’m the one you’ve been seeking all along.

You’re going to have to jog my memory a bit.

You have been searching and searching and searching. Looking and looking and looking. All for what has been with you the entire time.

God? The devil? Myself?

My boy, my boy. Let’s see how you’ve learned.

Instantly the room was illuminated. I could see everything, but I could see nothing.

Open your eyes.

I blinked once, and suddenly there was a card table in front of me.

“What’s this for?”

We’re going to play some cards.

Who’s we?

You and I.

Who’s you?

Take a look.

Then, out of the darkness stepped a figure shrouded in a trench coat. He had a grimy old sweater on and reeked like yesterday’s garbage. I took a closer look at him and my jaw dropped open.

It was me. Me before all of this madness started happening.