
I woke up and stared at the ceiling. I looked out the window and saw some people in the break area. I looked toward my roommate’s bed, vacated as usual. I looked up at the ceiling, it was still intact. Then I closed my eyes, opened them up again, and thanked God that I was still in one piece.

Getting up wasn’t tough, but it WAS stressful. More information had been revealed to me, but I wasn’t really sure what to do about it. Christian’s presence had truly been validated, but what did it really change? I was still stuck in here, wondering what to do. The fire, the water I’d been carrying around, the razor blade Dad left in the bible….none of it made a whole lot of sense. Couple that with the telepathy that everyone seemed to be using and I was the main character in a 60’s sci-fi flick.

I stepped out of my room, promising myself I’d shower later in the day. Walking down the hall to the break area, I greeted a few people: Mae, who was setting up morning pills; Dr. Mesher, who promised that he’d have time to talk to me later in the day; and Thomas, who was trying to convince someone that they really DID have to be in here. I got out to the break area and sat down on a bench, inhaling a big deep breath of fresh air. I sat there for a few minutes, waiting.

I looked around and saw the guy in the hunting cap eyeing the walls. A few new people had been admitted, I would probably learn their names in a group session later on. Twenty minutes went by. He never showed.

You know what happened.

No, sorry, I refuse to believe that.

Why? Why is it so hard to believe?

I just don’t. Its impossible.

It DOES happen to people, you know.

Not last night.

Why not?

Last night I saw Christian.

So, what difference does that make?

I made progress.


Without him I can’t make any more progress.

So he was just a tool to you, huh? It doesn’t bother you that the fire got him?

No fire got him.

Then what’s your explanation, big man?

He was released.

Then why didn’t he tell you?

I don’t know.

Why didn’t he tell me? Usually when people get released, they know a couple of days ahead of time, yet Darcy had never told me anything about a possible release.

So now you’re all alone, huh, big man?

Stop calling me big man.

Why, what are you going to do about it? Hit me?

I stood up and walked around the break area. One of the new patients offered me a cigarette, but I turned it down. What WOULD I do without him?

He had helped me SO much, but now… it was me. I was left to fight by myself. I was left to fight an enemy I couldn’t even touch. An enemy I couldn’t even see. I was left to fight….nothing. 

The devil isn’t nothing, Kevbo.


Dude, relax. Don’t make a scene.

You’re here!

Yeah, but don’t get too excited. You’ve still got a lot of work to do.

But I’ve got you again!

Silence. I guess its not going to be as easy as I expected.

Suddenly, a huge noise erupted from inside the TV room. I could hear Thomas’ voice shout…

“Quick, get the fire extinguisher!”